
Polycor | Nature's Gift of Natural Stones
Our holistic approach to creating mindful spaces starts by considering the materials we use. From the marble slab kitchen countertops at Atelier 216, to the bathroom walls at Maison 7;...

Handcrafted Furniture | From Conception to Completion
Not mass produced to fit the tastes of the many, but fine-tuned to work harmoniously with the environment, our handcrafted furniture from conception to completion is bespoke on all levels.

My father wrote this letter about his late partner Shoji Sadao to the NY Times. I wanted to share it with you to honor Shoji-san, my father’s last living architecture partner. Tommy...

Sourcing I About the Process
The pool bath at #MaisonMeadowlark. 360 degrees of wood paneling and a futuristic bespoke marble block sink. What inspired this? Tommy: " I guess first I have to tell the...

Studio Zung Inspires: Neuendorf House by John Pawson in Mallorca, Spain
Neuendorf House by John Pawson in Mallorca, Spain truly explores the transition of indoor-outdoor living. Every room in this house connects the various volumes to create the most effective breezeway. ...

Studio Zung inspires: The Coaty Restaurant in Salvador de Bahia
The Coaty Restaurant in Salvador de Bahia. A visionary project by Italian architect Lina Bo Bardi and Brazilian architect and urbanist João Filgueiras Lima @oarquitetolele. Four abandoned buildings were converted into...

Studio Zung inspires: La Fábrica by architect Ricardo Bofill
La Fábrica by Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill. On the outskirts of Barcelona, a former cement factory designed to be a live/work space. The transformation of the factory into something both...