A monthly round-up of Studio Zung's current favorites in the shop. Here are five recommendations from the architects, interior designers, taste makers behind our studio.
We use this space to practice the act of meaningful choice-making considering smallest every day objects to the bigger furniture pieces we bring into our own sanctuaries.
Noorstad | Chukka
What we love most: In the process of drying, the wood will naturally crack. Designed to change with you as the days, seasons, and years go by. At the end of its lifecycle Noorstad products can be recycled and repurposed.
Hangai Mountain Textiles | Cognac Waffle Knit Throw
What we love most: Hangai's unique collection of yak down, baby camel and cashmere blankets and throws are knit and woven exclusively in Mongolia from hand-combed natural fibers, ensuring that the value-added production remains in-country for the herder families, the knitters and the weavers with whom they partner. The brand's partners include herder families, local associations and cooperatives, as well as knitters and weavers who share their values that embrace fair trade, sustainable production, local empowerment, and traceability.
Frama | Apothecary Hand Wash
What we love most: The Apothecary collection is produced with 100% natural ingredients and in Italian glass bottles so that you only have to buy it once. With this Hand Wash and Refill duo, it's easy to take the sustainable step in your daily rituals and actively help reduce the waste of 35 billion plastic bottles created each year.
Mitch Iburg Ceramics | Narrow Rim Vessel #37
What we love most: Mitch Iburg, an American ceramic artist based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, uses foraged clays, stones, fossils, and glacial debris to re-frame the volcanic eruptions, ancient seas, and ice sheets that have shaped the landscapes around him. His vessels are an emblem of time and an homage to the natural materials all around us.
George Nakashima | The Soul of a Tree
What we love most: George Nakashima's singular literary opus shows the portrait of an artisan who deeply cares about the materiality of his craft. Nakashima strives to find the ideal use for each plank in order to "create an object of utility to man and, if nature smiles, an object of lasting beauty." This singular literary opus is an invitation to look into this iconic furniture maker's artistry, philosophy and personal history.